Meghan Manzo
Homeopath and Reiki Master
I studied at McMaster University and graduated with honors receiving my Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
As the years passed, I felt like I had a greater purpose. Although nursing was challenging, I was pulled to heal others through holistic medicine.
I have all three degrees in the powerful and transformational practice of Reiki.
After further self exploration and first hand accounts from others, I began researching Homeopathy and was hooked. I studied at the Canadian College of Homeopathic Medicine.
I then went on to do my post graduate in Homeopathic studies at CCHM and continue to practice to this day with the same joy and enthusiasm I had for it when I first started. I am grateful to have the opportunity to practice Homeopathy and treat those who are suffering from the multitude of illnesses we see today with these amazing tools.
My Personal Experience with Homeopathy
I had suffered for years with multiple gut issues, which included bloating, constipation and fatigue. I went to see my homeopath and through an initial consultation we covered not only my physical symptoms but also looked into my emotional health. Generally, it's the 15 minute, 1 complaint appointments I was accustomed to so this was new for me. I asked my homeopath if he was sure he even wanted to know about all my emotional issues I had been facing over the past years and he told me that homeopathy treats both the physical and mental/emotional complaints of a person and each patient is treated individually. My course of treatment would not be the same without discovering the emotional contributors and stressors that lead to my physical symptoms (which by the way were only my bodies way of telling me something was wrong internally).
Another reason why I love homeopathy. I was treated with a homeopathic remedy and immediately noticed a change not only in my gut symptoms but also how I felt in general. I had more energy and noticed the little things that were upsetting me I could more easily let go. Something had shifted inside of me and everything felt aligned
After multiple follow ups to ensure I was on the path to recovery and continuing treatment my gut troubles had drastically improved. I was able to see my homeopath less and less as I got increasingly better and now I still see my homeopath to this day but only when my system needs a tune up or my health feels like it's taking a declining turn. There is no greater gift than your health and I was so glad I decided to put me first and start to prioritize mine.